Simplify expense reporting and get more visibility into spending. The University of Maryland strongly encourages international travelers to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment. edu July 24, 2020 Dear Campus Community, The university follows the guidance of the U. Concur Sign In Security Changes: Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and New Password Policy UI (SignIn Settings UI) To enhance the sign in security of all SAP Concur users, two-factor authentication (2FA) will be required on starting October 18, 2023. To run this report, sign in to Concur: UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Job Aid : Unassigned Travel Card Transactions . This login is used primarily by students/scholars who are newly admitted, alumni, graduates on OPT whose UMD access has expired, and visiting scholars preparing to arrive at UMD. Like P-cards and Travel Cards, Ghost Card Transactions will show in Concur as a credit card icon. University of Maryland Independent Contractor/Consultant Agreement (PDF) When to Fill Out. Are you planning to travel for work or research as a BSOS faculty or staff member? Learn how to use Concur, the online travel booking and expense management system, with. Home Travel Services - Concur Travel FAQs Travel FAQs Answers to common travel-related questions. The entire process for Tcard reconciliation and reallocation happens in Concur; Receipts can be uploaded as travel is occurring; Expense reports must be completed within 30. 3. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. IT Procurement Team, Wednesdays 10-11 a. The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB), and the Commuter Connections Program have officially launched a new traveler incentive app developed at the University of Maryland’s Maryland Transportation Institute (MTI). Are you planning to travel for work or research as a BSOS faculty or staff member? Learn how to use Concur, the online travel booking and expense management system, with this comprehensive guide. UMD rates for Acela Express Business Class travel are available between the following city pairs, subject to terms and conditions in the agreement. Admin Reports Menu - Standard UMD colors User Interface Screenshot. The program is an alternative to the traditional purchasing process and results in a significant reduction in the volume of purchase orders, invoices and checks processed for goods and services up to $5,000. • Under Travel Preferences, add theKFS Support. If you book with a CTP agent for a domestic trip, it will be a $25 fee. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Once you are signed in, use. Click the down arrow and select Intelligence. Implementing Concur, a paperless end-to-end solution for UMD business travelers, including travel pre-approval, electronic travel booking and receipt capture, Tcard application and reconciliation, expense management and reporting, integrated workflows (including approvals), and reduced costs; Updating to our UMD travel procedures for greater. com BIOE Travel Procedures for UMD Employees (Google Doc) Updated 9/23/22 based on new Concur guidance. #4 - Guest/Non-Employee Post-Travel Instructions (2 of 2) and complete the Guest Reimbursement Notification form. We can help you navigate the process of becoming a supplier to the university, direct you to resources for small business and minority status certification, connect your company to business opportunities, and provide guidance on the best way to do business with the. Jun 22, 2021 08:00 AM. Records Management. Save through better implementation and compliance. Collections anticipated to arrive in the lab during 2022 number 689 boxes, which will put the lab over. The guest will receive an email with the message, a link, and directions about how to securely upload the W-8/W-9. 2 2. Click the Change link for the itinerary segment you need to change. We have a monthly process and the statement amount must match the expense report. Travel Card can be used for approved travel expenses. S. We can also help with your meeting planning needs! Contact Globetrotter today to make reservations for both business and leisure travel. Once the Request has been approved, email the contract and Concur request ID to Tra vel & Card Services at . 1. 314. Requests. . edu –Mobile Single Sign-On (SSO). Instead, UMD personnel should work with their business office or Procurement team to obtain appropriate contract terms, even for free software and apps. 123456789@umd. Domestic Per Diem Meal Rates. Student Financial Services and Cashiering: billtalk@umd. Learn the basics of administering SAP Concur products Expense, Travel and Invoice, including SAP Concur Support and Support Portal. 00 University of Maryland System Procurement Policies and Procedures This policy has been converted to ". The report details have been passed from SAP Concur to your company's respective Financial system. umd. After completing my Associates Degree at Montgomery College, I transferred with the belief that communication is the foundation for human. Videos. For assistance using Concur, contact [email protected]. 9200 Division of AdministrationJun 8, 2023. Navigate to the Travel Request that was submitted and approved prior to the trip. Align the receipt in the camera frame, and then take the photo. Guides and Job Aids. All travel is to be documented. Chesapeake Bldg. Concur instructor-led classes begin again on April 17. button and you should see your Airfare itinerary that you can use to help you create this itinerary. University of Maryland Travel Card Approving Authority Record; Travel Card Cardholder and Approver Responsibilities and Procedures. Call (301) 314-8115 to schedule a travel appointment. Our mission and focus is to treat UMB students, faculty, staff, colleagues, and co-workers as treasured customers. University of Maryland Medical System Hospitals Glow Green in Honor of Veterans. to noon to hear all the latest on plans for Concur access and eTravel decommissioning, training requirements, and important remarks from University leadership. Extensive experience and working knowledge with BA4 (Shadow Accounting System), KFS (University's Official Accounting System), Concur (UMD Travel System), PCMS (University's Purchase Card Management System), etc. Extensive experience and working knowledge with BA4 (Shadow Accounting System), KFS (University’s Official Accounting System), Concur (UMD Travel System), PCMS (University’s Purchase Card Management System), etc. Enter the nightly Room. Concur Travel. Choose a delivery method for your 1-time passcode. Instead, UMD personnel should work with their business office or Procurement team to obtain appropriate contract terms, even for free software and apps. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. CONCUR SUPPORT, OFFICE HOURS, TRAINING AND DEMOS. Created Date:The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is the state’s public health, law, and human services university devoted to excellence in professional and graduate education, research, patient care, and public service. Phone: 301-403-4278 (after hours 877-858-3254, Code: 16XL, UMD) Once you have received your approved Travel Approval Request and trip number contact one of our specified agencies by phone, inform the travel agent that you are a SPP traveler and payment will be arranged through SPP. Dear. • The University Ghost Card is a credit card that pays for airfare that has been booked in Concur and is also used to hold hotel and rental car reservations. 11 all the way to No. All UMD Employee's (Faculty and Students paid through UMD) must submit their own requests and expenses through Concur. CTP is a premier, woman-owned Travel Management Company and a Concur partner. Depending on your bioengineering track, some programs may be a better fit than others. Log in to your world class Concur solution here and begin managing business travel and expenses. University of Maryland’s business travel must be pre-approved and comply with the University Travel Policy. Procurement & Business Services. UID@umd. Marieka Cober, ([email protected]. 405. Implementing Concur, a paperless end-to-end solution for UMD business travelers, including travel pre-approval, electronic travel booking and receipt capture, Tcard application and reconciliation, expense management and reporting, integrated workflows (including approvals), and reduced costs; Updating to our UMD travel procedures for. The Elm is a dynamic, community-driven website where faculty, staff, students, and affiliates of the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) can publish, engage with, and access a variety of online. Room Request Form. Concur, the new fully integrated travel booking and expense application, is coming April 10. This overview explains the purpose and scope of each role. Additional information can be found under Travel Procedures. Enter a vaild keyword. • Available Expenses – You choose from a list of charges you have paid using the Tcard or created through Concur/Concur Mobile. Log in to your SAP Concur profile and start a new report by clicking Create New Report from the Expense tab of your SAP Concur profile. " "Trip Pre-Approval" can only use for one. The management of the university’s transactions with suppliers, and. Concur Roles Descriptions PDF. Ex. UMD discount rates apply to employees using Amtrak Acela Express Service for UMD business or personal travel. UM Charles Regional Medical Group - Women's Health Adds Nurse Practitioner. 22 (recording) Travel Town Hall #3 – 12. Use surveys to find out what your customers think of your travel or hospitality services—and what it would take to keep them coming back. UMB Home - The University of Maryland, BaltimoreSign In. ESSIC travel will still require an EBO Travel Request before you can submit a request into the Concur system. Concur. edu To: [email protected] into Concur. Administrative Procedure for Provisioning Faculty Travel to Attend Regional Research Meetings. Concur Roles 1-30-2023-final PDF. By automating the expense reporting process, your business can increase compliance, avoid risk, and be more. edu or call (301)405-4212 for more information Comprehensive International Health Insurance University of Maryland international business travelers will automatically be enrolled in UMD's comprehensive international health insurance. Only supervisors in PHR, fiscal officers/account managers/account supervisors in KFS and PIs are able to approve in Concur. You should either concur with the information as provided (without comments or with minor comments) or non-concur untilPlanning Response: Concur 2. Click the Trip Name (it will appear as a hyperlink). University of Maryland identification numbers should be provided at the time reservations are made. Participant Guidelines. Can this process still occur? . •If you booked using multiple carriers, you must call CTP at 877-630-1232 between 8:00am – 5:00pm, M-F to assist you with the change. umd. Of Finance 100 North Union Street, Suite 220 Montgomery, AL 36130 (334) 242-7063Approved Request with Concur Encumbrance . gov. m. Keep this in mind when using training materials, as. They should be able to see the Ghost Card on their end and let you know if it is ready to go. Microsoft Word - Concur Travel FAQs 10_30_23 Author: Marriott, Stacey Created Date: 11/14/2023 7:11:16 PM. It will move UMD to SAP Concur, an all-in-one online travel platform that seamlessly handles all major components of travel – from pre-approval, booking, and expense management to travel card management and reporting. March 3–March 5: $69. Begin accessing SAP Concur products, including Expense, Travel and Invoice. [email protected] Travel Management Program This is the last day for a Concur employee travel form to be approved. Easily book air, rail, hotel, and car using one online booking tool. 11 all the way to No. Building 7999 Regents Drive, College Park, Maryland 20742 p. Because of the number of "exceptions" being created for Concur travel requests and expense reports, here are some important reminders:. Click . If self-handling airfare via other travel agencies ( Expedia or directly with the airlines) please keep in mind to create an account with whatever method you decide is best for you. Begin accessing SAP Concur products, including Expense, Travel and Invoice. Make an Appointment. Note: the Check-in date will auto-populate based on the transaction date. Enter the Check-out date. 8120. Request Type. Open the ConcurGov Mobile App. There are FAQs, a link to the tutorials, recordings of training classes, and job aids, such as Naming Conventions for Concur forms and Concur roles. As domestic and international travel resumes at this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, Vanderbilt University employees are reminded to book their travel through the Concur. UMD’s Purchasing Card (Pcard) Program is an efficient, cost-effective method for purchasing both small-dollar and high-volume items. Travel arrangements at UMD, including pre-approval, flight and rail booking and group travel arrangements, are made through Concur. ZOOM LINK. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. @NatalieUlmer go to the expense report. Welcome to Concur. P-Card is issued by the State of Maryland, and authorized employees can make approved purchases on behalf of UMD for university use/benefits. Procurement Teams Open Office Hours. Jan 22, 2020 06:39 AM. m. Next. University of Maryland’s business travel must be pre-approved and comply with the University Travel Policy. Concur automatically. Current travel guidance forward University Business Travel is available for COVID-19 Get for UMD; No changes are beings made until international travel restrictions by this time; the CDC says that "international travelling poses additional risks and also whole vaccinated vacationers are at increased exposure since obtain and may spreading new COVID-19. This page provides links to the various PHR modules: The “Employee & Appointment” module is used to create and maintain employee demographic and appointment records. Employees can book their trips directly with our travel partner without ever leaving Concur. Extensive reviews by DIT Security have found that most free software and applications do not come with security features associated with the enterprise version. From within an open expense report, select the expense. , guests or graduate students not on UMD payroll) cannot book travel through the new Concur system and must submit a formal travel request to bioepurchasing@umd. , guests or graduate students not on UMD payroll) cannot book travel through the new Concur system and must submit a formal travel request to [email protected] Rates. Sign into Concur. Learn how to use the UMD Concur travel system to request travel and log expenses for different categories of employees. As you travel through, you will be able to locate many administrative, faculty, and research services in one setting. Concur FAQs. (Globetrotter, Omega WorldMaryland donned the Script Terps uniforms originally starting in 1982 with the primarily red helmet, and wore that exclusively during the remainder of the 1980’s. workingfund@umd. Purchase an Airline Ticket. A copy of your approved travel approval form. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H. umd. , students not on payroll) traveling on behalf of and funded by the University of Maryland (state, DRIF, sponsored research) must seek pre-approval before any travel arrangements can be booked. Concur Detect by Oversight FAQ. 123456789@umd. *UMD Travel and Hosting Trip Name/Purpose W Smith - ASSA conference Trip Purpose Conference Attendee Traveler Type Staff Personal Travel DatesView and Download Policy USM Policy Number: VIII-3. ARPA-E; technology; emissions; incenTrip; congestion; An app that helps commuters get across town in less time and at a lower cost was featured last week at the Energy Innovation Summit Technology Showcase, hosted by the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research. Should a Travel Card be lost or stolen, contact University of Maryland Travel Services at 301. They may be complete an expense report after the travel has concluded. If the Assigned Itinerary is correct, click. • Add your Emergency Contact. Concur Travel and Expense Roles Roles determine a user’s access to Concur Travel and Expense. 00/day. Maryland Kuali Financial System Project Page KFS. • If another employee is creating an event expense report linking it to an event request in someone else’s account, theyThe Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee voted along party lines to concur with the House’s amendments to the bills in its police reform package, hastening their path to be presented to the governor. Department of State) Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Rates. This requires your UMD ID (9-digit number), iTerp PIN, and date of birth. Maryland football will wear its “Terps Script” uniforms for the 2023 season and beyond, the team announced via press release Monday. If your school is live in Concur, please go here for updated policies and procedures. Support and FAQs. See the job aid links below for how to navigate properly in Concur. Need help signing in. Concur System Access. 3 5. Office of the Dean: 301-405-1690The Concur Travel & Expense system combines and streamlines business and travel purchases including UD Credit Card transactions. Thank you all for your continued diligence in adhering to our 4 Maryland. Watch our demo video. Travel arrangements at UMD, including pre-approval, flight and rail booking and group travel arrangements, are made through Concur. SAP Concur can be used to book personal travel if it is allowed by your company policy. 4. The forms can be found on the Administrative Reporting portal, Kuali Financial Reports, under the topic Security Access. 0 Kudos. The University of Maryland Standard Terms and Conditions apply to University of Maryland College Park (UMD) procurements. You can find your company SSO code on the Concur Mobile Registration page. This report will show all approved requests that still have open Concur encumbrances. To confirm your identity and prevent third parties from subscribing you to a list against your will, an email message with a confirmation link will be sent to your address. UMD’s 49 Scholarships in the Past 15 Years Rank No. Effective September 1, 2019, the domestic per diem meal rates will be: Breakfast: $13. SAP Concur Training Toolkit. ZOOM LINK. You may want to check internally on what the timing will be. Sep 20, 2021 10:44 AM. Menu. 1 Healthcare data privacy makes its rank even more substantial than other type of privacy. 2584. Travel AlertAuto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) Used for UMD Business. Intelligent Audit FAQ. 2. eduCommunity Groups. Please direct additional questions to Travel & Card Services at 301-405-0607 or concur-helpdesk@umd. Thanks for the clarification. The Travel Modernization Program will vastly improve how we manage travel for our 20,000 business travelers each year. Procedures for Travel Reimbursement to Non-home Locations. If your school is live in Concur, please go here for updated policies and procedures. SAP Concur Training Toolkit. First Floor, Clarence M. 1 Kudo. SAP Concur is the UMD solution for the travel request/approval process, travel booking, electronic receipt capture, expense management, and Travel Card reconciliation. Office of the President 1101 Main Administration Building College Park,. For travelers, the session will cover how to set up your Concur profile, add a delegate, create a travel request, book travel, and create an. Aug 17, 2020 11:54 AM. This login is used primarily by students/scholars who are newly admitted, alumni, graduates on OPT whose UMD access has expired, and visiting scholars preparing to arrive at UMD. Simply wait for this message to arrive, then follow the. Enter the Check-out date. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at [email protected] provides independent expert advice and unbiased reviews for the best travel deals, destinations, and money-saving travel tips that help feed your passion for seeing the world. Jun 28, 2021, 8:00 AM. There, UMD hopped up five spots from No. After the image is successfully captured, press Done. Globetrotter, Omega World Travel, and Travel-On also offer discount rates with additional car rental firms. 4. The non-employee Concur profile does not include the vehicle link, so it cannot be added. Then there are more specific topics, like combining business and personal travel, allocating funding sources in the Concur forms, and using the currency converter when your trip is international. Travel Guidance For COVID-19 Travel Services provides travel policy clarification, information about service providers and discounts, expense reconciliation processing, and facilitation of travel procurement. The GM travel policy document does not clearly state if you can or cannot. Once the Event Expense Report has been fully approved for a Guest/Non-Employee reimbursement, follow. Eliminate manual data entry and manage complex budgets for your institution with the Request + Encumbrance Connector by IData Inc. 4300 Terrapin Trl. 3. See the job aid links below for how to navigate properly in Concur. a) Transactions are charged to default KFS account, with an object code of 3321, assigned to each card when the cardholder agreement is originally completed. Callers to CISI should reference their UMD trip number. S. Students may receive each award twice during their graduate. As of early February 2022, the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Lab has storage space available for 550 boxes of artifacts. Find out how to create travel requests, book flights and hotels, submit expense reports, and more. 2 - Select 3. If you require a rental vehicle at your destination, contact a University of Maryland travel agency or make a reservation using a UMD discount rate. Your travel itinerary will display. You may want to check with your manager to see if they have an idea of the timing within your organization. 405. 6 back on February 16, 2021. Await approval. Three BIOE faculty members received National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research Project Grants (R01) in. 405. Click Manage Receipts then select Manage Attachments. UMD You will need to create a business profile in Uber and link that to Concur. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Office of the Controller - IT Support: otcsupport@umd. edu / 301. 767. Click Next to get to the Assigned Itineraries tab. Current topics include:. Increase productivity of finance and travel support staff. umd. Travel Guidance For COVID-19. If you are planning on renting cars or vans from UMD Motor Transportation Services, there is a LIMITED number of vehicles so groups are encouraged to submit their requests as far in advance as possible to increase the potential vehicle availability. Watch our demo video. We offer a customizable, end-to-end suite of products that can help manage complex business challenges, navigate global regulations, audit employee spending, and more. Home Travel Services - Concur Travel FAQs Travel FAQs Answers to common travel-related questions. Must use the Concur Expense Professional edition. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. These users will only need to enter the posting’s guest user credentials into the. SAP Concur. 3. ) 3. Applicants - Graduate. Scheduling an Appointment. Wolverine Access lets you build your own page linking to all the university tools you need as a member of the Michigan community. 405. 00/day. Once you have arrived at the login page, you will have two login options. The “Affiliates” module is used to create University affiliate records for those individuals that would like to utilize certain. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Job Aid : Linking Uber to Concur . EDU. For a ticketed flight for which you have not checked into, you can change the time and/or date of the flight in Concur. The undergraduate program in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering provides students with a broad and fundamental education relating engineering with the biological sciences. MEMBERSSAP Concur, Former Employee. UMD employees and visitors may contact a UMD travel agency to book travel or make their reservations. 50. b) Transactions may be reallocated to other KFS accounts and/or object codes via the Travel Card Management System (TCMS) prior to posting to the KFS system. In order for your travel to be eligible for reimbursement, you MUST have a fully approved travel request in the Concur system BEFORE the start of your trip. All non-employee travel that includes airfare must have an approved Concur travel request, and the airfare must be booked. To make modifications to a trip that has already been booked: Click Travel at the top of the SAP Concur homepage. Forgot username. Earlier Terms and Conditions may be applicable for existing contracts: Terms and Conditions ( Effective 2013 to 8-29-2021) Terms and Conditions ( Effective 8-30-2021 to. Maryland was a crucial holdout in the decision to declare independence from Great Britain. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For travel on days that are. Register for classes in the Training Enrollment Database. all receipts are attached and reviewed for all charges. January 18, 2023. edu. They will be available in the Available Receipts section after clicking Expense at the top of the page. Made with Zoom. Contact: University of Maryland Libraries Hornbake Library 4130 Campus Drive College Park Maryland 20742 301-405-9212 askhornbake@umd. Please note that Concur charges a $3. Parking is reimbursable for March 2–March 5. Hotel and car rentals may also be booked through Concur, or through external sites. Travel and Card Services will be hosting weekly drop-in zoom sessions Tuesdays-Thursdays if you require hands-on assistance with Concur. The Date on the end of a tutorial’s title indicates its last revision. You can choose to save it in the Receipt Store to work with later or create a new expense now. Planning Response: Concur. m. Lunch: $15. If you have an assigned company credit card, it likely will be used to make the reservation. AES Travel Support for Regional Research. m. Open office hours will be held weekly on Zoom starting the week of September 18, as follows: Consulting and Professional Services Team, Mondays 2-3 p. Concur Travel and Business Expense. 4a 4b 4c 5a - At this point you will immediately receive an email “Login to SAP Concur” at your UMD email address saying Uber wants to access your SAP Concur account. 1-800-654-3131. 00:03:44:21 - 00:04. ) 3. Federal employees consent to sharing trip information with the agency that provisioned the access any time they take trips using their enterprise profile. A University employee using a privately owned vehicle for travel may be reimbursed for mileage. How To. There is a helpful user aid on the Concur Training page on the Business Applications website. Read the report 5 reasons why SAP Concur. Find out the annual funding amounts, approvals,. All UMD paid employees (faculty, graduate students, staff) traveling for UMD business related reasons, are required to use Concur Travel or Collegiate Travel Planners to book all air and rail tickets regardlessWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The Maryland Code, Criminal Law Article, §7-302 and §8-606 prohibit unauthorized access to computers and public records. state-of-the-art laboratories dedicated to bioengineering research. /. If editing per diem expenses, click Save. You can find training information for Travel and Card Services on the Concur Help Center page. The University of Maryland is happy to offer a wide variety of services to campus faculty and staff through this one-stop-shop web page. Campus departments are required to use Concur Travel or Collegiate Travel Planners to book all air and rail tickets (ex: Amtrak for out of State travel) regardless of use of Tcard or personal credit card. University of Maryland has discount car rental rates with several companies. The Nightly Lodging Expenses Tab will appear. • Employees conducting travel within the DMV area, which does not include oversight accommodations, are not required to complete a travel request. Adding Event Request to the Next Gen UI for Concur Request enables more customers to adopt this enhanced user experience and more employee groups the benefit of increased productivity and usability. Repeat until the Remaining Amount is $0. Because Concur is a cloud-based application, updates occur frequently. . 7537 / Open a Case. University Contract Travel Agencies. For help accessing this or any UME. Program Info: Program Code: BIOE: Degree: M. Getting with roadways in a personal vehicle may be appropriate since UMD economy journey to save while, transport equipment and/or reduce costs. Community FAQs. and Ph. m. m. The University of Maryland, College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences (CMNS) has switched over to a new Travel System called SAP Concur to process all travel. associate. University Group Travel.